
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.1.2] - 2024-09-02

This is a bugfix release that addresses a few non-critical issues and documentation fixes.


  • Fix a bug where the hands are always visible even when bVisibleWhenHandDataUnavailable is disabled.
  • Fix a bug where the HandVisibilityChangedEvent event is not triggered on the virtual hand component visibility changes.
  • Fix the wrong script name for USGHMDTrackerKismetLibrary.
  • Fix the wrong script name for USGXRTrackerKismetLibrary .
  • Fix LogPython: Warning: 'SGHMDTrackerKismetLibrary' and 'SGXRTrackerKismetLibrary' have the same name (SenseGloveHeadMountDisplayKismetLibrary) when exposed to Python. Rename one of them using 'ScriptName' meta-data when packaging the game.
  • Fix the non-existent default hand-mesh warnings polluting the logs when packaging the game.
  • Expanded the clickable area on the handbook index page revision buttons.
  • Minor documentation fixes.

[2.1.1] - 2024-08-18

This is a bugfix release with no actual plugin code changes, mostly addressing issues in the documentation and third-party dependencies caused by source control merge conflicts.


  • Fix the messed up changelog file caused by cherry-picking merge conflicts between the dev branch and the master branch.
  • Fix a bug that causes a handbook revision mismatch when deploying the handbook from the dev branch.
  • Fix a bug where SG_GIT_IS_SHALLOW_CLONE while building the handbook is always set to yes even if it's not a shadow clone because SG_DOT_GIT_SHALLOW_FILE evaluates to an empty string when the .git/shallow file does not exist.
  • Fix some documentation typos.


  • Removed Android NDK r25 armv7 and x86 dependencies brought back by mistake while merging v2.1.0 from the dev branch to the master branch.

[2.1.0] - 2024-08-16

This is a minor release focusing mainly on bringing OpenXR-compatible hand tracking support (XR_EXT_hand_tracking) and Head-mounted Display automatic detection for adjusting wrist tracker offsets automatically at runtime.


  • Added SenseGloveTracking and module which provides OpenXR-compatible hand tracking by implementing XR_EXT_hand_tracking support, HMD auto-detection, and SenseGlove device tracking.
  • Added USenseGloveTrackingKismet module in order to expose part of the SenseGloveTracking functionality to Blueprint.
  • Added FSGXRTracker, the underlying main class that implements the OpenXR compatibility.
  • Added USGXRTrackerKismetLibrary in order to allow Blueprint to retrieve the FXRMotionControllerData directly from our tracking module.
  • Added the SGTrackingTypes header to the SenseGloveTypes module in order to define and share SenseGloveTracking module types through this header across the plugin modules.
  • A fallback to HMD and wrist tracker hardware auto-detection mechanism has been added to be triggered in situations when automatic detection of the wrist tracker hardware is desired, e.g., either by not setting it explicitly, or setting it to the default None value. Please note that this is still highly experimental and HTC VIVE Focus 3 and HTC XR Elite cannot be distinguished in the current iteration. Though, since the tracker devices and offsets for both headsets are the same in the end it does not make a difference if both headsets are detected as each other.
  • Added ESGHeadMountedDisplayDevice enum with supported HMDs list.
  • Added ESGViveHMDDetectionPriority enum in order to choose which headset we attempt to detect between VIVE Focus 3 and VIVE XR Elite as we cannot distinguish them, yet.
  • Added the FSGHMDTracker utility class, in order to easily gather information about the HMD device at runtime.
  • Added USGHMDTrackerKismetLibrary which exposes the equivalent C++ HMD auto-detection functionality to Blueprint.
  • Added FSGHMDTrackingSettings config struct.
  • Added the FSGGloveTracer utility class, in order to easily check the left or right glove connectivity or retrieve the connected glove instances.
  • Added USGGloveTrackerKismetLibrary which exposes the equivalent C++ functionality to Blueprint.
  • Added FSGGloveTrackingSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGTrackingSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGHandTrackingSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGWristTrackingDebuggingSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGVirtualHandSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGVirtualHandAnimationSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGVirtualHandDebuggingSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGVirtualHandGrabSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGVirtualHandHapticsSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGVirtualHandMeshSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGVirtualHandPhalangesLengthSettings config struct.
  • Added FSGVirtualHandTouchSettings config struct.
  • Added USGVirtualHandComponent::OnHandVisibilityChanged() event in order to notify other components/actors whenever the virtual hand mesh appears or disappears (for example, this could happen when a glove is connected/disconnected).
  • GetMotionControllerData() has been introduced to the USGVitualHandComponent in order to retrieve the OpenXR-compatible glove data in Unreal's FXRMotionControllerData format.
  • Added FSGVirtualHandAnimInstanceProxy::GetMotionControllerData and many more accessor methods usable only by child classes to allow consumption of the data required for manipulating the virtual hand mesh animations.
  • GetMotionControllerData() has been introduced to the USGWristTrackerComponent in order to retrieve the OpenXR-compatible glove data in Unreal's FXRMotionControllerData format.
  • Added USGGrabComponent::SimulatePhysics() method.
  • Added FSGDebugCube.
  • Added FSGDebugCubeSettings.
  • Added the SenseGloveDebugKismet module in order to allow drawing of debugging, cubes, gizmos, and virtual hands from Blueprint.
  • Added USGDebugCubeKismetLibrary in order to expose the FSGDebugCube functionalities to Blueprint.
  • Added USGDebugGizmoKismetLibrary in order to expose the FSGDebugGizmo functionalities to Blueprint.
  • Added USGDebugVirtualHandKismetLibrary in order to expose the FSGDebugVirtualHand functionalities to Blueprint.
  • Added a new static Draw() method overload to DebugGizmo which allows passing an FQuat instead of a FRotator.
  • Introduced a new FXRMotionControllerData compatible hand animation system with the ability to take the mesh bone's transforms into account for a more reliable hand animation.
  • Introduced a new FXRMotionControllerData compatible wrist tracking system.
  • Introduced a new FXRMotionControllerData compatible hand interaction manipulation system.
  • Added the ability to fallback to hand tracking when a glove is not present and use the bare hands for interactions, or a combination of glove and hand tracking if no motion controller input is detected.
  • Added the SenseGlove grab/touch sockets one-click-setup ability on any Epic-compliant virtual hand mesh from within the Unreal Editor's Content Browser, Skeleton Editor, or Skeletal Mesh Editor by extending the Unreal Editor.
  • Added FSGAssetUtils editor-only class.
  • Added FSGContentBrowserExtension editor-only class.
  • Added FSGPluginStyle editor-only class.
  • Added FSGSocketsEditor editor-only class.
  • Added FSGSocketsEditorCommands editor-only class.
  • Added the FSGInitializationSettings config struct in order to control how the plugin is initialized.
  • Introduced the FSGGameUserSettings for managing the Engine Scalability Settings through the SenseGlove plugin in order to change the graphics settings on the fly.
  • Added USGGameUserSettingsKismetLibrary in order to allow all the Engine Scalability Settings to be managed from the Blueprint side.
  • Added FSGGameUserSettingsSettings config struct.
  • Added the SenseGlove console commands: SG_GetEngineScalabilitySettings() and SG_SetEngineScalabilitySettings(Scalability).
  • Added SGHardwareBenchmarkingSettings config struct.
  • Introduced ESGEngineScalabilitySettings enum.
  • Added FSGVirtualHandSettingsOverrides config struct used by the new settings override system.
  • Added SGWristTrackingSettingsOverrides config structured by the new settings override system.
  • Added support for Android API level 32 in addition to the API level 29.
  • Introduced the SenseGlove Unreal Engine Handbook as an attempt at documenting the SenseGlove Unreal Engine Plugin.
  • Merged the pack utility branch to the plugin's source code at /Packager which adds the SenseGlove Unreal Engine Marketplace Packager v0.4.0-a65bb20 binaries and configurations.


  • Fixed a bug when the virtual hand inside the game is not visible but still collides with other objects inside the scene, mistakenly triggering events like OnGrabStateUpdated and OnTouchStateUpdated.
  • Fixed a bug where USGGrabComponent's bAffectPhysicsState does not enables physics on its owning actor at BeginPlay().
  • Fixed various wrong Kismet script names and their class exports.
  • Fixed the display name for various overloads of the Blueprint-exposed function Queue Command Vibro Level to expose sensible display names.
  • Some Android UPL tweaks, permission, and build fixes.
  • Many other large and small fixes and improvements that might not be listed here.
  • A few small bugfixes that have already been backported to the v2.0.x series.


  • Now, if bValidateIfDefaultClassesAreSGCompliant option from FSGInitializationSettings is enabled (default) the SenseGlove plugin checks for default SenseGlove-compliant GameMode, GameInstance, etc, at module initialization and tries to set to default, native SenseGlove classes, if any of those default classes are not a SenseGlove or a SenseGlove-derived class.
  • The USGSettings has been fully revamped with more customizations added and categorized in a different manner adding many new structs and removing some, in order to have fine-grained control over the various aspects and functionality of the plugin components.
  • The USGSettings constructor visibility has been changed from public to private.
  • The Settings override system has been overhauled as well affecting how we override settings from the USGVirtualHandComponent and USGWristTrackerComponent.
  • The SenseGlove libraries have been updated to v2.104.1-55fddbd2.
  • GetHandPose() has been replaced by GetMotionControllerData inside USGVirtualHandComponent (see the relevant entry in the Added and Removed sections).
  • Many functions inside USGVirtualHandComponent for retrieving bone names or reference transforms has been renamed to return different data types; e.g. GetLeftHandFingerBoneNames(), GetRightHandFingerBoneNames(), GetLeftHandFingerBoneName(), and GetRightHandFingerBoneName() renamed to GetLeftHandBoneNames(), GetRightHandBoneNames(), GetLeftHandBoneName(), and GetRightHandBoneName() respectively.
  • bHiddenInGameIfNoGloveDetected UPROPERTY from USGVirtualHandComponent has been renamed to bVisibleWhenHandDataUnavailable and accordingly all of its getters and setters; bVisibleWhenHandDataUnavailable = false now acts as bHiddenInGameIfNoGloveDetected = true, and vice-versa.
  • USGWristTrackerComponent now uses FXRMotionControllerData for wrist tracking instead of calculating the wrist location by calling the SenseGlove API.
  • FSGVirtualHandAnimInstanceProxy now relies on FXRMotionControllerData to animate the hands instead of a TMap of bone names and rotations which allows it to also apply the bone locations.
  • The new OpenXR animation system now takes into account the mesh bone's transforms for a more reliable hand animation.
  • FSGDebugVirtualHand::Draw now accepts a FXRMotionControllerData parameter instead of all WristLocation, WristRotation, JointPositions, and JointRotations parameters.
  • FSGDebugVirtualHandSettings has been renamed to FSGVirtualHandDebuggingSettings.
  • The value for USGGrabComponent's AttachmentSocketName uproperty now defaults to the value of the plugin's GrabAttachPointSocketName instead of Name_NONE.
  • The USGGrabComponent now enables bGravityEnabled, bSimulatePhysics, and calls WakeRigidBody on its owning actor at BeginPlay() if bAffectPhysicsState is enabled.
  • Updated the Directory Structure section of the main README file to reflect the latest toolchain support status.
  • The / file has been migrated to /Handbook/src/overview/
  • The / file has been migrated to /Handbook/src/license/
  • The / file has been migrated to /Handbook/src/license/ and every third-party component's license has been split; adding /Handbook/src/license/ for the SenseGlove SDK, /Handbook/src/license/ for the Boost C++ Libraries, and /Handbook/src/license/ for the Serial Communication Library.
  • The Platform Support Matrix section of the main README file has been migrated to /Handbook/src/overview/
  • The Planned Features Completion Status section of the main README file has been migrated to /Handbook/src/overview/
  • The Directory Structure section of the main README file has been migrated to /Handbook/src/overview/
  • The SenseGlove settings' main config struct is now marked as DefaultConfig which means it does not require to be saved when settings are changed and they take effect immediately as the user updates them.
  • Replaced all bitfield uproperties with booleans.
  • Changed the DocsURL from the old Blueprint docs website to the new SenseGlove Unreal Engine Handbook website.
  • The Blueprint signature for various overloads of the Blueprint-exposed function Queue Command Vibro Level has been changed to expose sensible display names.


  • Dropped support for Unreal Engine 5.1 and Epic Native Toolchain v20 (used to build UE 5.0 and 5.1 Linux dependencies).
  • Removed the Allbreaker virtual hand model as it's no longer compatible with the SenseGlove plugin.
  • Removed ASGVirtualHandActor as it was experimental and we no longer maintain it and haven't been doing so for a long time.
  • Removed FSGVirtualHandAnimInstanceProxy::GetBonesRotations().
  • Removed USGVirtualHandComponent::GetHandPose() and it's no longer possible to get the hand pose data from USGVirtualHandComponent as GetHandPose() has been removed. If you need it, you could always use the SenseGlove low-level API to retrieve it from the glove.
  • Removed also GetFingerBoneName(), GetFingerBoneRefTransform(), GetFingerBoneRefRotation() and GetFingerBoneRefRotation() from USGVirtualHandComponent.
  • Removed some remnants of UE 5.1 and older releases from the C++ code.
  • Removed the pack utility branch and merge it to the plugin's source code at /Packager.

Known Issues

  • With the new OpenXR release, the separation of the real and virtual hand rendering is broken. The reason is the animation system now uses the OpenXR data in the world transforms which yields better animations, but comes at the cost of overriding the the hand position set by the wrist tracker component's position and rotation. If FXRMotionControllerData is invalid and bVisibleWhenHandDataUnavailable is enabled for example, the system works as expected, since the animation system won't proceed to animate the hand meshes without valid FXRMotionControllerData. Since the animation system is only aware of the hand mesh it's animating versus the real hand and virtual hand meshes it means either it should become aware of the physics events like begin and end overlap events and also the real vs virtual hands, or it should resort back to animating the virtual hand meshes in local or component space. This release marks this feature as broken for now until we come up with a reasonable solution in the future.
  • The UXRDeviceVisualizationComponent provided by Unreal Engine is used in the SGPawn class as ControllerVisualizerLeft and ControllerVisualizerRight for implementing the wrist tracking hardware visualization feature. However, it is not compatible with the new OpenXR system in certain scenarios. For instance, when the motion controllers serve as wrist tracking hardware since the SenseGlove plugin is now introduced to the engine as an OpenXRHandTracking system, it causes the UXRDeviceVisualizationComponent to visualize the wrist tracking hardware at coordinates (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) instead of their actual location and rotation in the world. This happens because the component incorrectly registers them as inactive, possibly because it's assumed hand tracking and motion controllers cannot be in use at the same time. Currently, we use this feature solely for debugging, and we have an alternative in the form of wrist-tracking debug gizmos, which can be toggled on or off via the settings system. In future releases, we might remove this feature due to its incompatibility, unless we find a solution to make the UXRDeviceVisualizationComponent work with the new system. Alternatively, we may develop our own version of the UXRDeviceVisualizationComponent.
  • Although the SenseGlove OpenXR implementation is fully compatible with the IOpenXRHMD interface and the FOpenXRHMD XRTrackingSystem, it is not compatible with the FOculusXRHMD backend provided by the Meta XR plugin. The same issue likely applies to the VIVE OpenXR plugin. So, if these plugins are enabled in your project, the SenseGlove OpenXR will not function as intended, effectively breaking the plugin's functionality. It seems these plugins are necessary in order to make the fallback to the hand-tracking feature work on Android. While we may add support and compatibility with Meta XR and VIVE OpenXR plugins in the future, for the time being, if your project requires these plugins, we advise continuing with the v2.0.x release of the SenseGlove Unreal Engine plugin until this issue is addressed.

[2.0.8] - 2024-07-15

This is a bugfix release that contains a somewhat important bugfix backported from the next release of the plugin as documented below.


  • Fix a bug where the SGPawn right-hand grab colliders' default size is mistakenly set to the default value for the left-hand grab colliders at CDO initialization time.

[2.0.7] - 2024-05-29

This is a bugfix release with no actual plugin code changes, only fixing issues with binary assets incompatible with UE versions earlier than 5.4.


  • Make the Allbreaker assets compatible with UE5.1+ again as the v2.0.5 update breaks compatibility with UE versions earlier than 5.4, thus leaving the engine unable to load those assets.

[2.0.6] - 2024-05-29

This is a bugfix release with no actual plugin code changes, only removing development/test assets from UE 5.3 that were never meant to be shipped.


  • Removed the dev/test virtual hand models that leaked into the 5.3 branch.


[2.0.5] - 2024-05-22

This is a bugfix release with no actual plugin code changes, only focusing on fixing the Allbreaker virtual hand model issues.


  • Fix the wrong palm bone names on the Allbreaker virtual hand models.

[2.0.4] - 2024-05-17

This is a bugfix release with no actual plugin's code change.


  • Fix our in-house Unreal Engine Marketplace submission tool's configurations where the Content folder (containing the Allbreaker hand model) is mistakenly ignored during the submission. This release reintroduces the Virtual Hand Model and its material missing from the previous release.
  • Fix the SenseGlove.uproject's wrong versioning submitted to the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

[2.0.3] - 2024-05-15

This is a bugfix release addressing mostly RunUAT build issues on Unreal Engine 5.4.


  • Fix UE 5.4 RunUAT build issue: "Asking CppCompileEnvironment for a single Architecture, but it has multiple Architectures (arm64, x64)", affecting SenseGloveConnectImpl and SenseGloveCoreImpl modues.
  • Improved target platform detection when building SenseGloveConnectImpl and SenseGloveCoreImpl modules and also distinguishing the x64 builds from arm64 on Microsoft Windows.
  • Fix other UE 5.4 RunUAT build issues, mostly caused by missing headers.


  • Removed support for Android armeabi-v7a and x86 architectures as they are no longer supported by the supported engine versions.

[2.0.2] - 2024-04-25

This is a patch release with no code changes.


  • Introduce official Unreal Engine 5.4 support to the Unreal Engine Marketplace.


  • Updated the Platform Support Matrix with the latest changes. This is the last release to support Unreal Engine 5.1 as we no longer are able to push updates for this release to the Unreal Engine Marketplace. The v2.0.1 release for Unreal Engine 5.1 can be obtained from the Unreal Engine Marketplace, and v2.0.2 through our Microsoft Azure DevOps repositories. Please note that there are no actual code changes between these two releases and in terms of functionality they are almost identical.

[2.0.1] - 2024-04-15

This is a bugfix release.


  • Fix a bug inside both SGVirtualHandComponent and SGWristTrackerComponent where the connected glove's UObject instance gets destroyed and re-instantiated every frame. With this fix now the glove instance will be created or destroyed only when a glove connects to or disconnects from the system.
  • Update the outdated Platform Support Matrix and its remarks section to reflect the latest status information.
  • Fix the wrong header file description sections for the header files inside SenseGloveKismet/Public/SGKismet/.


  • SenseGlove libraries have been updated to v2.102.0-35d4de3f.
  • Together, SenseGlove libraries v2.102.0-35d4de3f and SenseCom v1.6.1 remove the need to call ResetCalibration every time and are able to store and load calibration profiles from disk.
  • SesenGloveBackend module is no longer calling FSGHandLayer::ResetCalibration on every backend initialization.

[2.0.0] - 2024-03-22

This is the second major release of the SenseGlove Unreal Engine Plugin adding support for Nova 2 with enormous breaking changes to the current C++ and Blueprint APIs.


  • Added support for the SenseGlove Nova 2 devices.
  • Added support for Quest 3 controllers.
  • Various classes have been added to the API in order to implement the new functionalities and features from the latest upstream SenseGlove libraries.
  • Added initial support for the upcoming Unreal Engine 5.4 release.
  • Added a pair of default production-ready virtual hand meshes for the left and right hands, courtesy of Allbreaker LLC Columbia. For usage and redistribution, please consult the file.


  • A few critical bug fixes that have already been backported to the v1.x.x series through v1.9.3 to v1.9.8 releases.
  • Revamped the way we do FVector <-> SGVect3D, FQuat <-> SGQuat, and SenseGlove <-> Unreal Engine angles conversions in order to properly translate between the SenseGlove and Unreal Engine coordinate systems.
  • Allow the C++ compiler the opportunity to perform RVO/NRVO if applicable.
  • Fix the modules' order inside the .uplugin file.
  • Fix a build issue inside FSGArrayUtils::FromStdVector introduced by newer MVSC updates due to stricter implicit uint64 to int32 conversions.
  • Fix a build issues inside FSGArrayUtils when performing non-Unity builds due to the missing header.
  • Fix other build issues in USGDevice, USGNovaGloveSensorData, FSGDeviceImpl, and FSGSenseGloveVarsImpl when performing non-Unity builds due to the missing relevant headers.
  • Fix changelog formatting.
  • Some other improverment and fixes.


  • SenseGlove libraries have been updated to v2.101.12-62b1be11.
  • The SenseGlove Unreal Engine Plugin now declares the OpenXR plugin as a dependency, so that the OpenXR plugin will be enabled automatically as soon as the SenseGlove Unreal Engine Plugin gets enabled.
  • Various classes and parts of the API have been changed in order to reflect and adhere to upstream SenseGlove libraries.
  • Reverse the Platform Support Matrix order from newer Unreal Engine versions to the older ones.
  • Clarify the engine support policy in the main readme file by adding the corresponding references from the Epic Marketplace Guidelines and a URL to their guidelines page.
  • The SGTouchComponent uproperties BuzzDuration and BuzzLevel now utilize different different names in order to correspond to the underlying API changes. They have been renamed to VibrotactileDuration and VibrotacktileLevel.
  • The SGTouchComponent uproperties ForceFeedbackLevel and BuzzLevel (now VibrotacktileLevel) parameters type have changed from int32 to float with the value range varying between 0.0f to 1.0f instead of 1 to 100 in order to correspond to the underlying API changes.
  • The SGVirtualHandComponent now assumes the default grab point's name as GenericGrabPoint instead of GrabPoint as default if not specified in the Unreal Blueprint Editor.
  • The SGPawn on UE 5.2+ now utilizes UXRDeviceVisualizationComponent in order to properly display the controller meshes shipped with Unreal Engine's OpenXR plugin, or a user-provided mesh. On UE 5.1 this could still be set on the WristTrackerLeft and WristTrackerRight components. Please note that despite the fact that on UE 5.2+ it's still possible to utilize the WristTrackerLeft and WristTrackerRight for setting the controller meshes, this has been deprecated in UE 5.2+ and is no longer supported.


  • Various classes and parts of the API have been removed in order to reflect and adhere to upstream SenseGlove libraries.
  • Removed the redundant SGIC_int32_Ref interop type.

[1.9.8] - 2024-03-12

This is a bugfix release that contains bugfixes backported from the next major release of the plugin as documented below.


  • Fix a bug where the right-hand mesh is always hidden inside the game no matter whether the right glove is connected or not.
  • Fix a crash inside the USGHandPose::FromHandAngles method.
  • Some performance optimizations by utilizing MoveTemp in return statements.
  • Some improvements applied to the source code.
  • Some other minor fixes.


  • The BonesRotations TMap is no longer a public field of FSGVirtualHandAnimInstanceProxy and instead could be retrieved by calling the GetBonesRotations() method.

[1.9.7] - 2024-02-18

This is a bugfix release that contains bugfixes backported from the next major release of the plugin as documented below.


  • Fix various bugs inside the SGPlayerController which occur when the thumb and pinky fingers are simultaneously touching different SGTouchComponents, or only one of them is in touch with such a component. In this case pinky's buzz and force-feedback levels are determined from the SGTouchComponent that is in collision with the thumb instead of the one that is touched by the pinky. Or, the pinky could ignore the buzz and force-feedback level if the thumb is not in collision with an SGTouchComponent. Or, the pinky could have reacted with a buzz or force feedback while only the thumb is in contact with an SGTouchComponent.
  • Fix the BuzzDuration UPROPERTY range in order not to get clamped at 100.0f and also use float values for ClampMin and UIMin specifiers instead of integer values.

[1.9.6] - 2024-02-14

This is a bugfix release.


  • Fix a few critical bugs inside the NovaGlove class where the higher levels of the API including constructors, Parse, and NewNovaGlove methods mistakenly instantiate a SenseGloveImpl class instead of a NovaGloveImpl class.

[1.9.5] - 2024-02-09

This is a bugfix release.


  • Fix a wrong type-casting inside SGDeviceModel::ParseFirmware where OutMainVersion and OutSubVersion arguments are getting passed to the lower levels of the API. This could potentially result in a segfault at the FFI boundary between lower and higher levels of the API.

[1.9.4] - 2024-02-08

This is a bugfix release addressing mostly Blueprint API issues with ABI breaking changes inside the Blueprint layer, backported from the next major release of the plugin as documented below.


  • Fix the Blueprint Parse function signature for the NovaGloveInfoKismetLibrary where the OutGloveInfo passed by the caller was never actually assigned as it was not getting passed by reference.
  • Changelog formatting.

[1.9.3] - 2024-02-03

This is a hotfix release addressing a few critical issues that might result in crashes or malfunctions for users of the low-level SenseGlove API, backported from the next major release of the plugin as documented below.


  • Fix a potential memory corruption inside one of the SGBasicHandModel constructors where the StartPositions parameter gets passed as the StartRotations parameter to lower levels of the API.
  • Fix a potential memory corruption inside one of the SGSenseGloveInfo constructors where the StartPositions parameter gets passed as the Functions parameter to lower levels of the API.
  • Fix a potential memory corruption where inside the SGHapticGloveCalibrationSequence::GetCurrentInstruction method, the return statement of the function is getting assigned to the const parameter NextStepKey, thus the return statement of the function will always be empty as well.
  • Fix a potential memory corruption where inside one of the overloads of the SGSenseGloveImpl::GetGlovePose method, the out parameter of the method is getting passed as the SensorData parameter to the lower levels of the API.
  • Fix multiple Equals methods for a few classes such as SGInterpolationSet, SGNovaGloveHandProfile, SGNovaGloveInfo, SGSenseGloveHandProfile, SenseGloveInfo, SenseGlovePose, where the Equal method compares the current instance against itself instead of the other instance passed to as the parameter to the method.
  • Removed a redundant code statement inside the SGNovaGloveImpl::GetSubFirmwareVersion method.
  • Some minor const correctness fixes.
  • Some other minor code fixes and improvements.
  • Fix the wrong version numbers inside the paltform support matrix and the main .uplugin file.
  • Minor changelog fixes.
  • Bumped the copyright years.

[1.9.2] - 2023-11-03


  • Added a list of planned features and their completion status to the main README file.


  • A bug where the released actor is going to be NULL whenever the OnActorReleased event fires.

[1.9.1] - 2023-10-11


  • Add the missing Unreal Engine C++ header to files that rely on the ENGINE_*_VERSION macros in order to fix the Epic Store build failures on UE 5.3.

[1.9.0] - 2023-10-10


  • The BlueprintImplementableEvent UFUNCTION specifier for the OnGrabStateUpdated, OnTouchStateUpdated, OnActorGrabbed, OnActorReleased, OnActorBeginTouch, and OnActorEndTouch events have been changed to BlueprintNativeEvent in order to allow them to be implemented from the child C++ classes as well. This won't break any existing Blueprint code that relies on the previous BlueprintImplementableEvent signature.


  • Add a missing release note entry for the v1.8.0 release to the changelog file.

[1.8.0] - 2023-10-10


  • Introduced new SGPawn events: OnActorGrabbed, OnActorReleased, OnActorBeginTouch, and OnActorEndTouch.
  • Exposed OnGrabStateUpdated, OnTouchStateUpdated, OnActorGrabbed, OnActorReleased, OnActorBeginTouch, and OnActorEndTouch events to Blueprint as BlueprintImplementableEvent.


  • Fix a bug where the OnTouchStateUpdated event is mistakenly triggered instead of the OnGrabStateUpdated when the right thumb fingertip grab collider overlaps with a grabbable actor.
  • Fix the DECLARE_EVENT macro signature for OnGrabStateUpdated and OnTouchStateUpdated events.

[1.7.0] - 2023-09-14


  • Introduce SGGameInstance, a customized SenseGlove game instance for future use.
  • Added the new SenseGloveBackend and SenseGloveBackendKismet modules.
  • Added SG_CPP20 C++ macro for C++20 detection, which is now default from UE 5.3 onwards.
  • Added SG_CAPTURE_THIS C++ macro as a workaround for error C4855: implicit capture of 'this' via '[=]' is deprecated in /std:c++20 in order to build the same lambda captures without extra #ifdefs on all supported engine versions.


  • SenseGlove libraries have been updated to v2.12.0-19c9854.
  • SGCoreImpl/SGPlatform has been moved to SGBuildHacks/SGPlatform.


  • Proper initialization of the SenseGlove backend in order to fix a bug in certain situations where SGConnect::Init() gets called every frame.
  • Some other minor fixes and improvements.

[1.6.1] - 2023-08-14


  • Fix Unreal Engine 5.0 build issues.
  • Minor documentation fixes.

[1.6.0] - 2023-08-14


  • Added support for the upcoming Unreal Engine 5.3.
  • Now, the hand's velocity is applied to grabbed actors after being released from the hand.
  • Introduce the real hands to the SenseGlove module (SGPawn) API.
  • Added separation of the virtual and real hand rendering.


  • Fix the wrong default debug virtual hand gizmo colors when initialized using the default constructor.
  • Some minor performance fixes and improvements.


  • SenseGlove libraries have been updated to v2.11.0-b775a05.

[1.5.3] - 2023-07-19

This is a hotfix release mostly addressing Android Bluetooth performance issues.


  • Minor changelog fixes.


  • SenseGlove libraries have been updated to v2.10.1-3b0e7c9.

[1.5.2] - 2023-07-19

This is a hotfix release mostly addressing Android-related issues.


  • Fix a build issue with Android shipping builds due to sgconnect.jar not getting copied automatically in the AFSProject which is compiled for shipping builds when AndroidFileServer (AFS) is enabled.
  • Minor changelog fixes and some source code formatting fixes.

[1.5.1] - 2023-07-13

This is a hotfix release addressing a few critical issues introduced by the recent changes.


  • Fix a wrist tracker bug where left and right hands' wrist trackers are mistakenly tracking the opposite hand's motion source.
  • Fix a bug where the right hand is not able to do grab or release.

[1.5.0] - 2023-06-16

This release breaks ABI/API compatibility with the previous versions in some areas as documented below.


  • Added HTC VIVE Focus 3 positional tracking hardware enum.
  • Added support for the Meta Quest Pro, HTC VIVE, and HTC VIVE Focus 3 positional tracking hardware.
  • Added two options to the wrist tracker settings (to the global plugin settings and the overrides in the wrist tracker component) in order to be able to specify a custom motion source for the left and right hands, so that it allows SteamVR-based trackers such as HTC VIVE or HTC VIVE Focus 3 to operate with the SGPawn.


  • Fix a bug where SteamVR trackers such as HTC VIVE and HTC VIVE Focus 3's wrist orientation and location were not being tracked.


  • Fully refactored the top-level configurations in the settings system into USTRUCTs.
  • SenseGlove libraries have been updated to v2.10.0-12133ac.


  • Dropped support for the Epic Native Toolchain v19, MSVC v141 (Visual Studio 2017), and thus Unreal Engine 4.27 as it has been marked as deprecated since v1.4.x.
  • Removed any kind of support for Oculus Touch (Oculus Rift S and Oculus Quest 1) positional tracking hardware, thus the enum as well.
  • Removed any kind of support for Pico Neo 2 positional tracking hardware, thus the enum as well.
  • Removed any kind of support for Pico Neo 3 positional tracking hardware, thus the enum as well.

[1.4.3] - 2023-06-01

This is a hotfix release addressing a critical Android crash.


  • Fix a critical Android crash that happens where the default development hand meshes are not found, which means almost always since we don't ship any default virtual hand mesh at the moment.
  • Minor changelog release formatting fix in order to stay consistent.

[1.4.2] - 2023-06-01

This is a hotfix release addressing a few critical issues.


  • Fix build issues with certain compilers when the Unreal Engine version is older than 5.2.
  • Reintroduced the Virtual Hand and the Wrist Tracker debug gizmos which have temporarily been disabled due to a bug in the settings system.
  • Some minor changelog fixes.

[1.4.1] - 2023-05-29

This is a bugfix release with a focus on Android build issues.


  • Fix an Android Gradle build issue that happens when the game's package name won't start with com.senseglove.*.
  • Suppress a grade warning for non-arm64 architectures when the build target is Android.


  • Remove dead Gradle code from the Android module.

[1.4.0] - 2023-05-19

This release breaks ABI/API compatibility with the previous versions.


  • Added support for the stable release of Unreal Engine 5.2 (the preview release has been supported since v1.2.0).
  • Added Linux AArch64 platform support.
  • Added a new Grab component that can turn any actor into a grabbable object.
  • Added a new Touch component that enables haptic feedback such as Buzz and Force-Feedback commands.
  • Added an optional feature in order to automatically stop all haptics on the EndPlay event, wherever the virtual hand component is used. By default, it's enabled.


  • Fix Blueprint signatures for USGVirtualHandComponentKismetLibrary and make all the Blueprint exposed functions static.


  • SenseGlove libraries have been updated to v2.7.1-965f90c with support for Linux AArch64.
  • The Virtual Hand and the Wrist Tracker debug gizmos (the intended use is only for SenseGlove developers for really low-level stuff; thus won't affect the users of the plugin at all) have been disabled and will be ignored due to an esoteric bug in the settings systems which has been scheduled to be fixed in the future releases.


  • Removed the redundant SenseGloveCoreTypes module which causes all kinds of packaging issues with certain versions of the engine.


  • This is the last release to support Unreal Engine 4.27 and please keep in mind that the current release is not obtainable through the Unreal Engine Marketplace. The latest published version on the Marketplace for 4.27 is v1.3.1. Per Epic's Marketplace policy regarding Code Plugins, we are only able to distribute or update the SenseGlove plugin for the last 3 stable versions of Unreal Engine. As a result, we won't be able to publish updates or bug fixes for the older versions of the Engine except on rare occasions and only through our official repository on Microsoft Azure DevOps.

[1.3.1] - 2023-04-28


  • Fix RunUAT build issues caused by missing headers.
  • Minor documentation fixes.

[1.3.0] - 2023-04-28

This release breaks ABI/API compatibility with the previous versions in addition to breaking coordinates systems conversions between Unreal Engine and the SenseGlove libraries.


  • A new generic SenseGlove Debug module.
  • A debug virtual hand.


  • Fix the wrist tracker miscalculations for the Quest 2 controllers (other headsets might need fixing as well, in that case, future releases will address that).
  • Minor code improvement and fixes.
  • Minor documentation fixes.


  • Breaking API/ABI changes in the Settings and the main SenseGlove module due to some settings refactoring.
  • Breaking changes in the SenseGlove/Unreal coordinates systems conversions due to underlying changes in the SenseGlove Core Libraries.
  • SenseGlove libraries have been updated to v2.6.0-aac3d56.

[1.2.1] - 2023-03-30


  • Fix RunUAT build issues with Android.

[1.2.0] - 2023-03-28

This release breaks ABI/API compatibility with the previous versions.


  • Android / Oculus on-device glove calibration.
  • Introduced the animated Virtual Hand Model (as a set of virtual hand and wrist tracker components and an actor) with in-editor animation availability.
  • Introduced SGPawn, SGPlayerController, SGGameModeBase, etc classes.
  • Added an internal SenseGloveCoreTypes module in order to share common SenseGloveCore types between various modules.
  • Segregated Android binaries for NDK r21e (UE 4.27 and 5.0) and r25b (UE 5.1, 5.2).
  • Fully functional and stable Linux development support.
  • Fully functional and stable Unreal Engine 5.2 preview support has been added.
  • Added a Plugin's settings manager and two new modules SenseGloveSettings and SenseGloveSettingsKismet.


  • SenseGlove libraries have been updated to the Linux-aware version: v2.5.0-8069342.
  • API has changed to use degrees instead of radians.
  • SGCoordinates utility class name has been changed to SGAngles and now the plugin API uses degrees in contrast of SenseGlove libraries by default.
  • Migrate common nested array types into the SenseGloveTypes module from the SenseGloveCore module.


  • Removed a few thousand lines of archaic pre-public-release dead code.
  • Dropped Android NDK r21b binaries used by the older engine versions.
  • Purged the dead code for dropped engine versions by v1.1.1 (4.22, 4.23, 4.24, 4.25, and 4.26) that carried over to the current version.
  • Removed redundant SGConnectImpl/SGPlatform.
  • Removed redundant SGTypes/SGConnectTypes.

Known Issues

  • Wrist Tracker's offsets are a bit off (e.g. on Quest 2), scheduled to be fixed in the next patch release.

[1.1.1] - 2023-02-07


  • Initial support for the upcoming Unreal Engine 5.2.
  • Add support for Android armeabi-v7a with neon, x86-64, and x86 builds in addition to arm64-v8a.


  • Fix various Android build issues.
  • Some minor fixes and improvements.


  • Bump SenseGlove libraries to v2.1.2-95ec6e7.

[1.1.0] - 2023-02-03


  • Whitelist Android as a target platform.
  • Introduce Android support.
  • Add third-party library SGConnect for Android v1.1.0.


  • Fix Android build issues caused by the log module.


  • SGConnect and SGCore libraries have been updated to v2.1.1-0569c74.


  • Removed the enum utils class due to ANY_PACKAGE deprecation warnings in Unreal Engine 5.1.
  • Support for older versions of the Engine (namely, 4.22, 4.23, 4.24, 4.25, and 4.26) has been dropped.

[1.0.4] - 2022-12-02

This is a minor release focusing mostly on adherence to the Unreal Engine Marketplace Guidelines based on the feedback from Epic Games.


  • Added support for MSVC 2017


  • Updated SenseGlove libraries (SGCore/SGConnect) to v2.0.4.

[1.0.3] - 2022-11-29

This is a minor release focusing on adherence to the Unreal Engine Marketplace Guidelines based on the feedback from Epic Games.


  • Adjust Config/FilterPlugin.ini in order to conform to Epic's Market Place Guidelines.

[1.0.2] - 2022-11-27

This is a minor release focusing on adherence to the Unreal Engine Marketplace Guidelines based on the feedback from Epic Games.


  • Added the newly acquired Unreal Engine Market Place Offer ID to the .uplugin file.
  • List the dotfiles inside the FilterPlugin.ini file as well.
  • Add the copyright notice to the source files missing it.
  • Add the SenseGlove SDK license to the third-party license file.


  • Fix the readme typos and errors.
  • Minor fixes in the changelog for previous releases.

[1.0.1] - 2022-11-25


  • Exposed SenseGloveTypes as a public dependency in SenseGloveConnect and SenseGloveCore modules, so that the C++ users of the API don't need to explicitly add it as a dependency.
  • Cleaned up the redundant headers/modules dependencies from SGCore headers.


  • Fix RunUAT build issues prior to Epic Store submission.

[1.0.0] - 2022-11-24


  • Initial public release of the SenseGlove haptic API for Unreal Engine with support for Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux.