Setting up the Touch System

Configuring the SenseGlove Touch System involves two key steps. The first step, which is automatically handled by the plugin, is configuring the virtual hand meshes for both real and virtual hands. The second step, which is also straightforward, involves setting up any existing actor in the Unreal Blueprint Editor that you want to respond to with haptic feedback when your SenseGlove device comes into contact with it:

  1. Open any existing actor in the Unreal Blueprint Editor that you would like to respond to with haptic feedback when your SenseGlove device comes into contact with it.

  2. In the Components panel, click the + Add button, then type SGTouch into the Search Components input field. Once found, click on SGTouch to add it to the current actor. You can rename the SGTouch component to your desired name.

Setting up the Touch System - Adding the SGTouchComponent to an actor

  1. With the SGTouch component selected in the Components panel, navigate to the Details panel. Under the SenseGlove section, adjust the settings for the touch system to suit your needs.

Setting up the Touch System - The SGTouchComponent settings

  1. One last aspect of the touchable actors to take into account for the touch system to function properly is the collision settings of their mesh components. If you'd like to prevent the virtual hand meshes from passing through a touchable actor, it's necessary to set the Collision Presets to Block All inside the Details panel for the actor's mesh components.

Setting up the Touch System - Setting Collision Presets to Block All

  1. Additionally, enabling Simulation Generates Hit Events and Generate Overlap Events on the actors mesh components is mandatory. These settings are crucial for notifying the touch system when the virtual hand meshes come into contact with the actor.

Setting up the Touch System - Enabling Simulation Generates Hit Events and Generate Overlap Events

Video Tutorials

The following tutorials, though for much older releases of the plugin, still provide in-depth guidance on the same process: