Deploying to Android (Standalone)

Epic Games provides official documentation for setting up Unreal projects targeting Android:

Here are a few important notes to consider:

  • Since SenseGlove provides native libraries built for Android, it’s crucial to consult the Platform Support Matrix before deciding to deploy your project to Android.
  • Currently, all third-party native libraries are built against Android NDK API Level 29.
  • On Meta Quest devices, building against Android SDK API Level 29 or 32 has been tested and is supported.
  • A video tutorial on deploying to Oculus Quest devices and Android is also available.


As noted in the v2.1.0 release changelog, since this release enabling the Meta XR plugin, β€”and potentially the VIVE OpenXR pluginβ€” alongside the SenseGlove Unreal Engine Plugin in the same project will disrupt the OpenXR functionality provided by the SenseGlove Unreal Engine Plugin, rendering it unusable.

Although the SenseGlove OpenXR implementation is fully compatible with the IOpenXRHMD interface and the FOpenXRHMD XRTrackingSystem, it is not compatible with the FOculusXRHMD backend provided by the Meta XR plugin. The same issue likely applies to the VIVE OpenXR plugin. So, if these plugins are enabled in your project, the SenseGlove OpenXR will not function as intended, effectively breaking the plugin's functionality. It seems these plugins are necessary in order to make the fallback to the hand-tracking feature work on Android. While we may add support and compatibility with Meta XR and VIVE OpenXR plugins in the future, for the time being, if your project requires these plugins, we advise continuing with the v2.0.x release of the SenseGlove Unreal Engine plugin until this issue is addressed.

This also means that although the SenseGlove Unreal Engine Plugin is able to produce FXRMotionControllerData for SenseGlove devices just fine, the hand-tracking on Android won't work. So, the fallback to hand-tracking mechanism on Android is broken at the moment.