Low-level C++ API

Due to Unreal Engine's limited availability of automated documentation generation tools, there is no updated online documentation for the SenseGlove Unreal Engine C++ API. However, this does not mean that no documentation is available. A significant portion of the API is documented within the relevant header files. For example, the C++ API documentation for the Core module can be found inside the Source/SenseGloveCore/Public/SGCore directory.

Efforts are ongoing to generate comprehensive documentation using PsichiX/unreal-doc, but progress has been hindered by various known issues.

Nevertheless, since this plugin builds on top of the SGConnect and SGCoreCpp third-party C++ libraries, the upstream documentation provides detailed information on various aspects of the underlying SenseGlove C++ API.

There are also other outdated materials that might still be partially relevant. These include an example Unreal Engine C++ project and a video tutorial: